So about a month ago I spent the afternoon playing about in Cryengine 3 and after building a quick environment I was hooked.I decided to bite the bullet and in my spare time over the last three weeks learn the program in more depth and rather than randomly doing tutorials jumped head first into a project.I had been playing with making a Jurassic park game in Unity engine off and on for close to a year so that was my starting point and rather than rebuilding what I had already worked on I returned to the environment of the first film.
I started modelling in Maya and up first was the visitor centre,the model was an interesting challenge as the interior and exterior are pretty unrelated and there's limited information in the film about layout.It's built fairly (but not exact) to the film with the scale differences being tackled later in Cryengine.
The exterior and interior wall/roof height is vastly different in the film. |
Click images to enlarge |
Next up was the interior,although in the film it appears pretty simple the set itself is pretty much filled with curves,everything from the walls to the bannisters flow and the aim was to keep it relatively low polygon and clean for the game engine.
My main focus was the ground floor and basic layout,you can see the 1st floor still requires extra work. |
I added some basic debris but will fill in the missing props later. |
The 3rd larger environment model was the raptor enclosure,fairly quick to model as it uses a lot of repeats and mirrors and is a solid blocky structure built to withstand the jungle.
The basic set,lights are to be added later to the side walls. |
And finally the Jurassic park ford Explorer.In terms of reference it was the easiest to get images for and too iconic not to include,again I kept the model low poly and worked out the texturing in photoshop.
The base model,the doors at this point are separates so it can later be a usable in game. |
Basic texturing,still need to add explorer logo / dirtmaps and interior. |
There was lots of other modelling also to be done,electric fences and smaller props such as lights,roadtracks and the Jurassic park gates at this point I began importing into the engine and setting up the basics of the environment...
I hope you will further develop this game.. SOO incredible stunning. I would love to revisit Islar Nublar, and its a shame we do not have any good JP Game out there.
Hello you could send me Ford Explorer Jurassic Park 1993 3D model so I can convert to GTA San Andreas?
Hey your work is amazing! I would like to do an own 3D model of the car. Do you still have the blueprints you used and could you send them to me? I only find slightly different ones on the internet.
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